Innova 3150 Review
If you’re looking for a solid OBD2 scanner to get the job done, and your vehicle is on the ABS/SRS supported list, you won’t go wrong with the Innova 3150
Innova 3150 Diagnostic Scan Tool
Hey guys (and gals)! Vince here with ScannerAnswers to bring you the latest post on another great OBD2 scanner. I was jacked to get my oily hands on this OBD2 reader and test it out to write the Innova 3150 Review. If you are in the market for an No products found., I’d highly recommend this one!
The automotive industry is constantly changing, and growing. Every year vehicle manufacturers are developing new technologies and turning our cars more into computers than they used to be. With the advanced technology seen, it can be much more expensive to diagnose and repair these technologically advanced machines. With every system being computer controlled, you’re gonna need to right tools to troubleshoot. In most cases the tool needed to start the diagnostic process is a capable scan tool that can communicate with the vehicles computer systems (OBD2 or CAN /bus). There are many different brands, styles, and levels of scan tools on the market.
Bottom Line: The Innova 3150 will make troubleshooting your car or truck much easier. This OBD2 code reader is cost effective, easy to use, and has many features found in scanners that cost 10x times as much.
Choosing the correct scan tool for your needs can be very difficult which is why we built this site to help you find the best OBD2 scanner.
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Innova 3150 Review – Ease of Use
Unless you’re a trained professional, most Diagnostic scan tools that you find at a mechanic or dealer are very difficult to use. This will normally slow down the diagnosis process. Innova has really done a great job of extracting the best features of these “mechanic grade” OBD2 scanners, and shoving them into an easy-to-use tool. The Innova 3150 has a simply button design with an easy to navigate menu. This takes the guess work out of trying to diagnose how to use the scanner by reading the manual (who reads manuals?).
Read and Erase Trouble Codes

If you’re reading this review, then one of the main reasons you’re looking for an OBD2 scanner is to figure out why that nasty Check Engine Light is on. Sure, there are basic OBD code readers that with give you the DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code), but retrieving DTCs is only half of the battle. You will then need to figure out what the DTC means. This means getting out a manufacture manual or trawling through the internet to see what the “C0040” means… The Innova 3150 takes the leg work out of reading these DTCs and gives a brief description of them!
No products found.The Innova 3150 not only displays easy to read trouble codes, but it also allows for the ability to erase those codes after a repair is performed. When the codes are erased a road test can be performed in most cases to verify the codes do not return.
Access to ABS Trouble Codes
Check engine lights are not the only trouble lights that will display on the dash. An ABS light may illuminate if there is an issue with the ABS, or traction control system. Not many scan tools allow for access to this specific system. The Innova 3150 allows for access to this system, and retrieves trouble codes for most GM, Ford, Chrysler, and Toyota vehicles.
If this is the primary reason you are buying the scanner, I highly recommend checking out the supported ABS list here: Innova 3150 ABS supported vehicles
Updates and Upgrades
Technology is constantly changing. The automotive industry is no different. The two primary systems used for communication in a vehicle are OBD II, and CAN. Without a scan tool that is capable of access to these systems there will be no communication with the vehicles computer. Since these systems are constantly changing it is important to have a scan tool that can change with the times. The Innova 3150 allows for updates through the use of a USB port to stay up with the latest systems.
Battery Backup
Being able to disconnect a scan tool, and remove it from a vehicle while keeping the information on the screen is not something that is common with scan tools. This is a feature that the Innova 3150 is equipped with. With battery backup power this scan tool can be removed from a vehicle while continuing to keep the information obtained on the screen.
Access to SRS Systems
Airbag lights illuminated on the dash can be very stressful for anyone. When an airbag light is illuminated the system is then disabled to prevent issues. This is a safety concern in the case of accident because the airbags will not deploy when the light is illuminated. The Innova 3150 is equipped to read SRS system codes on most GM, Ford, Chrysler, and Toyota vehicles.
Please make sure your vehicle is listed on the supported list here: SRS supported vehicles
Automatic Refresh
There is no need to constantly restart the Innova 3150 to obtain up to date information from the vehicle. This scan tool is equipped with an automatic refresh that shows new data every 30 seconds. This allows new information to be shown on the scan tool during the diagnostic process.

Check Readiness Monitors
Readiness monitors are very important when it is time for state inspection or smog test. Most emission testing is done using the OBD II system to determine if there is an emission related issue with the vehicle. If readiness monitors are not set the vehicle will most likely not pass inspection. Monitors are also very important for verifying repairs. The monitors are what set the check engine light. If a monitor sets after a repair, and there are no codes set that will indicate that the repair corrected the issue. The Innova 3150 are capable of checking these monitors to ensure that they are set.
- 2.5 pounds in weight
- 10.9×7.7×3.1 inches in size
- Backlit display
- Code, and description present on screen
- USB for updates and upgrades
- Multilingual screen
- Battery backup equipped
Final Thoughts
When choosing a scan tool there are many different options on the market. Not every scan tool is created equal. It is very important to choose a scan tool that will fit your individual needs and I hope this Innova 3150 Review helps you determine if it’s the right tool for your!
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Things I didn’t like:
One issue that I found with the 3150 is the support for ABS and SRS codes can be lacking. If this is the primary reason you are buying the scanner, I highly recommend checking out this list here: Innova 3150 ABS supported vehicles. I’ve also heard of people have trouble with the scanner displaying out of date codes. I personally have not encountered this, but I can tell you that Innova is very responsive if you contact them. Also, if you have any doubts in the description of the DTC, just do a quick Google and check it against your vehicle manufacture’s description.
Things I liked:
The Innova 3150 is a great OBD2 scanner for anyone that is looking to perform basic diagnostics on OBDII equipped vehicles. This scan tool will read, and display diagnostic trouble codes with descriptions. It not only communicates with the OBD II system on most vehicles it will also communicate with the SRS, and ABS systems. The housing is tough and it would survive a garage or shop environment.
If you’re looking for a solid OBD2 scanner to get the job done, and your vehicle is on the ABS/SRS supported list, you won’t go wrong with the Innova 3150.